Friday, April 5, 2013

Photoessay #2849 - Senior Moment

I had one big time this morning.  I had arranged to take the Disability bus at 10:05 to Fisheries which is at the end of the known universe.  All arranged.  I'll take the 9:27 bus.  Got my old lady roller back ready, took it out to the car.  Got in the car to go to the bus stop and thought to myself as I'm backing out "Did I put the roller bag in the car?".  Not in the driveway, I must have put it in.  Takes only a few minutes to go to LFP Town Center.  Open the back of the car.  No roller bag.


Should I go without my roller bag?  No.

So I have to go back home to see what happened.  I'll miss the bus for sure.

Get back home, look around.  Aha, there's the roller bag knocked over in the middle of the street, looking the worse for wear with the water bottle top broken.

I must have backed right over it.  Looking for it just as I am pushing it into the street and driving blithely on.


Gather up the remains of my roller bag, it's ok.  But I'm going to miss the bus for sure and I've made the arrangements for the disability bus.

Calm down, I can drive to the UW and park in N22 disabled parking and walk to the disability bus.

On the way, I locate the bus, yeah I missed it big time.  I try to figure out how I can get on the bus.  But there's really no way because I would have park the car somehow and run onto the bus.  Give it up.

So I drive, pay for disabled parking, and things go ok.  The section?  Maybe it will pick up.

If I go for a short time, it's not that much more money especially because I'm eligible for disabled parking.  $6 plus the gas down vs $4.50 if I take the bus.

But I could have skipped that drama......

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