Thursday, April 4, 2013

Photoessay #2848 - Bits of Maier

Sometimes, I search and search in google finding some more material on Maier Zunder or pictures of Zunder School or, this evening, of Fuerth in Bavaria.

Forgetting that I have probably the best information right by me.  The scrapbooks that he kept from 1870-1900.  I have images of all of the pages (thanks to my brother and cousin)  I'm writing about it and doing data work on it.  It's going to be good and somewhat unique.  If I ever get it done; I've been working on it this week.

There's not much of his own writing but there's tons of newspaper articles of him addressing groups in German or English.

The more personal parts are later in his life.  I'm going to divide the scrapbook in three parts, though I don't have the titles.

This looks like a note he wrote to his daughter Sophie, maybe on occassion of her birthday?  She's 38 and Maier himself is 69.  My translator can't make it out.  She sent it to her father in Germany who was going to show it to a 90 year old friend who knew the old letters.

It's all here for me, I just have to put it together.

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