Saturday, March 23, 2013

Photoessay #2827 - Getting ready

So Naomi and I are going to do a seder tomorrow night.  It's supposed to be Monday night but Naomi has to go back to school and that's the night that Danny can come.

Stabilized count is 9.

We've made the QFC run.  Naomi baked the cake,wow, way too small.  Will need more.  I've made chicken soup.  Just have to cool it, put in refrigerator and warm up tomorrow.  Found the matzah cover and washed it.  Cut up vegetables for brisket.

Will 5 pound brisket fit in my crock pot?

Tomorrow will make matza balls, compote, get brisket going.  Make charoses or make a stab at it.  Mary Ann is bringing hard boiled eggs and grape juice, Danny bringing steamed vegetable, Leslie bringing flowers.

Dennis will clean up upstairs deck and we'll figure out the table configuration.

Made the latest edit to my haggadahsl, how many pasted in edits are in these things?  Adding the late 1940s Ritual of Rememberance for the European Jews.  It's my haggadah and I can put in there anything I want.

I've got the infrastructure and the time and the daughter to do it with me, I should do it!

But we need some more Jews, that's for sure!!

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