Sunday, March 24, 2013

Photoessay #2828 - More preparation

Five hours before the start and Naomi and I have got this seder nailed.

Only thing left to do really is prepare the matzah balls.  Which I've never actually done.  Dennis will have to actually put them in the boiling water if we have any hope of getting the timing right.

Naomi and I have even practices, she's going  to lead.  I've got the new prayer on the back cover.  These poor haggadot had been patched, stuff crossed off, new things added.  Are they all the same?  Who knows.

We'll go straight grape juice.  One person's supposed to bring grape juice and hard-boiled eggs.  Another flowers.  Another some steamed vegetables.  Nine attendees.  Too many to put in the dining room with my mother's beautiful but difficult table.  It's set up in the living room, with yet a new combination of tables.  We're using my grandmother's silver.

I might even go to a team meeting for a short time later in the afternoon.

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