Monday, March 25, 2013

Photoessay #2829 - We have our seder

Many thanks to my daughter Naomi who did a lot of work to make this seder happen.  We only decided to do it a few days ago.

There's the group though Dennis is cut off the left side.  My son Danny, his fiance Jessica and his daughter Melina, my daughter Naomi, two of Naomi's friends, my friend Mary Ann (who came even though I told her the wrong day).  Must have been very early because I haven't lit the candles yet.

But everything in place, the seder plate (look for the orange), cup for Elijah, flowers, the bowl of plagues from Archie McPhee, the matza covered, hard boiled eggs, salt water, grape juice (rather than wine).

I have the infrastructure, I can do it, I shouldn't let it pass.  Really it was fun, we were pretty tired when it was over.

I sent the leftover chicken soup with matza balls home with Naomi's friends.  First time I made them and they came out great!

Next year in Jerusalem!

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