Friday, March 22, 2013

Photoessay #2826 - Brought lemon pie

Last night my genealogy group met for our every month or so gathering.  Really nice group, we spend the entire time telling stories about what we've found out about our family history.  Swapping lies.  Letting each other know about sources we've discovered.  We've helped each other out, on occasion.  We jnust have no end of things to yack about.

We had it here last time,  I think we had seven or eight.  Last jnight, Carole hosted in her lovely home in Queen anne.  Oh, the woodwork!  We had theme of "recipes our mothers made"  She had a chicken and stuffing casserole and a jello mold.  Somebody else brought biscuits.  I brought my mother's lemon pie.  There were some salads with healthy ingredients that our mothers probably wouldn't have considered.

Everybody loves the lemon pice, no exception last night.  They asked me to post the recipe, which I did.

Along with my recipe card which shows 40 years of extensive use.

I might have posted it before but this recipe card reflects it's own history.

The seder is full.  Have a seder and they will come.  Currently between 9 and 11.  We need more Jews attending.  I chatted with my eye doctor, an orthodox woman from New Haven, we always have a lot to talk about.  She was in the same situation, she has 4 kids but nobody was around.  She usually has a big seder on both days and she uses the services of a kosher caterer (not a bad idea).  She realized that it was just her husband and herself.  That would never do so she started calling all the single people she could think of and now she has plenty of attendees.

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