Friday, April 8, 2011

Photoessay #1256 - Pizza at Mom's Weekend

Dennis and I spent the day driving across the entire state of Washington over the Cascades, crossing the mighty Columbia River and doing the entirety of that odd rural highway 26 into the Palouse. To Mom's Weekend at Washington State University, a big deal, lots and lots of moms here. One of those things. Dennis came along; though he had already been to Dad's Weekend in the fall. On the whole he prefers Mom's weekend as it does not involve dark rides on icy roads with a bunch of aggressive dad drivers. He also wanted to come as it's uncertain whether Naomi will continue here or transfer.

I continue to be not so happy with my 'new' camera, just doesn't take good pictures consistently. Often I get unfocused fuzzy pictures or just downright lousy ones.

Traditionally, lots of departments do special events for Mom's Weekend. We are going to a Sondheim musical in awhile. We're staying in Naomi's apartment.
We just returned from Stella's pizza nearby. Really rich rich pizza. Nice shot of Dennis with his youngest...,

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