Thursday, April 7, 2011

Photoessay #1255 - Mom's Weekend pump-up

It's Mom's Weekend time! Usually I moan and groan about this but I think we'll have some fun. This year, Dennis is coming with which makes it easier and more fun for me. And he's already been to Dad's Weekend in the fall.

Mom's Weekend and Dad's weekend are big events at Washington State University in Pullman. Naomi and her friends really do (AFAIK) like to host their parents. I remember last year, Naomi and I would run into one of her friends. "Your mom here?" she would ask. If the friend said "No", Naomi would murmur "Oh, that's sad"

Even with me, queen of the complaining moms. Besides the general disruption, the WSU campus is really hilly. I know you probably think of the Palouse as flat, it's not. And, at WSU, wherever you want to go is always extremely up hill from where you are now. Always!

Many of the departments put on events for Mom's Weekend. We hope to go to a student musical, the Geology Department Exploding Volcano, the Math Department Origami Workshop, the Planetarium fundraiser ($5 per family? I think we can do that).

They also have some big name show, which we usually don't go to. Some singer I never heard of. $160 for 3 tickets, I don't think so. In the fall, the big deal is a home Pac 10 football game.

Here's some pictures from last year. Some skyscape in Central Washington along that mysterious Highway 26. And a shot of Naomi and some REALLY big plants from Greenhouse Open House.

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