Friday, March 11, 2011

Photoessay #1231 - Earthquake in Japan

I have been mesmerized by the images from Japan all, the quake, aftershocks, tsunami, nuclear power plant. Specifically I have worried about my Japanese sister Nobuko in Yamagata City and her daughter Natsuko in Tokyo.

I emailed Natsuko as she is more adept at email and was reassured to receive this reply

Big quakes are still continuing. I stayed overnight at school because every transfer has stopped. Nobuko was fine last night, but there has been electric outrage in Yamagata. She can not use phone, so I haven't talked with her yet. But it seems Yamagata had relatively little damage than other Northern area of Japan. Tokyo seems OK now.

> Date: Fri, 11 Mar 2011 13:31:06 -0800
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Checking on the Kimura family
> I heard about the terrible huge earthquake there. Are you ok? Have you
> heard from Nobuko?

> Thanks,
> Sandy

We visited Yamagata City last April. The train through northern Honshu stops in Fukushima, where the nuclear plant is located and the dam reported to be broken. The train splits near there with some cars going to Sendai on the eastern and some going to Yamagata on the west. Yamagata City is in the mountains.

This map of northern Japan still makes me real nervous. Not much distance between Yamagata City, Sendai and Fukushima. Sendai was hit hard and also experienced terrible tsunamis. The nuclear power plant in trouble is in Fukushima; also some news reports that a dam had broken near Fukushima.

So I dunno....still awfully close. Natsuko's reply did reassure me however.


harcyoung said...

Thank you so much for posting this!! I have been trying to phone my family in Yamagata City and have not been able to get through. I know the power is out there but I didn't know if there was damage to the area. This has helped to ease my concerns.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for posting this!!! I have been trying to reach my family in Yamagata City and my phone calls are not going through. I heard on the news that the power was out but did not know if there was any damage in the area. Your post has eased my concerns somewhat until I am able to speak to them.

azure said...

You are so very welcome! I am glad this could help somebody...

リーナ said...

glad to know this. thank you for posting. i also have a friend in Yamagata, but i couldn't get in touch with her.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this! I visited Japan as a Lions Club Exchange student back in 1984 and my second host family, the Abe's, live in Yamagata where they have a kimono fabric factory.

I have lost touch with them, but was thinking of them and wondering if they are okay. I can see their house so clearly in my mind still ... I suppose my prayers are all I have to offer.

Thanks for the reassurance. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post. I have friends in Yamagata-Shi and am relieved to hear that damage is minor there.

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me how Tsuruoka city is in Yamagata please. I have friends living there,

Anonymous said...

My sister lives in Yamagata-shi and an hour after the earthquake began I received an email from her, haven't been able to contact her since. But I'm relieved to have come across your post.