Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Photoessay #1229 - Campus at dusk

I can't believe that winter quarter is almost over and we are about to start our final third of my memoir writing certificate course. Not only that but it's not pitch dark when I walk across the campus towards my 6:30 class. Myself and a few others have elected to 'do Central Parking', the big garage underneath Red Square, the central square of the campus. I have to walk a little further but it's through the middle of the campus and the garage itself is very well-lit. I originally had a N20 permit in that large outdoor tiered parking lot with the weird escalators. After one night there, I determined that it was WAY too creepy and I changed right away. I can walk back to my car with Deidre and Elena who also park there.

I know as we move into spring, I know the lighting will improve even more. I took my camera and snapped some shots as I walked from Central Parking to my class in Loew Hall. The main student union building across from Loew is being completely redone, it's a huge construction mess. So generally it would feel a lot less lonely because lots of students would congregate around there.

I was taking pictures with available light so much blurred especially the people. The first shot shows the view as I emerge near Gerberding Hall looking over my shoulder at Red Square. I walk along the hulk of the Student Union (HUB). I was struck of the view of the older building framed by the other buildings. But not sure which one. Then towards Stevens Way and across to Loew Hall. Engineering Library to the left of Loew Hall. Then a big drop and across Montlake to the athletic facilities and Lake Washington beyond.

I really love taking these classes, such a treat for me. I want to continue!

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