Saturday, March 5, 2011

Photoessay #1225 - MOHAI

This afternoon, Melina, Dennis and I decided (well just last night actually) to continue our museum tour. Melina was up for it. Our target today: Museum of History and Industry near the University. This museum contains lots of local history artifacts that nobody knows what to do with. Melina's favorite was this giant fancy doll house donated in the 1950s. Very elaborate with lots of teeny tiny perfect doll house touches.

I hadn't remembered that one of the main paths and walkways through Foster Island and other small marshy islands in Lake Washington start at the MOHAI parking lot. Really nice afternoon so we start off walking down the pathways with beautiful diffuse light on the lake and the mountains. Nothing really leafing out yet. You can see Hwy 520 on the right there on its way over Lake Washington. And Melina and Dennis hoofing it on their way to Marsh Island. We went out quite a way (mile or so)

Turned out to be a great outdoor component for our trip.

The picture book about Cambodia we checked out from the UW library last weekend was full of photos with accompanying English and Cambodian text. Published by the government in 2005, might be designed to lure tourists. I asked Melina if she was done with it. She replied not yet.

"My grandfather read it to me in Cambodian. We want to keep it a little longer. He still wants to read it to my grandmother. My grandmother did not get to school, so she can't read."

Works for me.

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