Friday, January 28, 2011

Photoessay #1190 - My new babies!

Susanna's been working on one side of my yard usually populated by very agressive blackberries. If you live in the northwest, you know these guys stop at NOTHING to get what they want. I've already documented aerial assaults. But she's been pulling lost of roots out.

I wanted some privacy from the new neighbors so decided to use arborvitae, tall slim evergreen shrubs people use for that purpose around here. So Susanna bought these little guys from the local nursery along with some fertilizer and potting soil. And planted them for me. Aren't they cute? My new babies!

We're also thinking about the adjacent dirt area which is actually my backyard lawn. And you were fooled? Thought it was just a mudpit. Regret to tell you that the whole 'lawn' looks like that. As in the grass is gone. However, not to worry as the dandelions are making a comeback. Later we will try some overseeding. Susanna thought maybe to put stuff on that would kill the dandelions. Nah, not going there. No reason to purposely introduce herbicides into the environment just because of my (very healthy hardy) dandelions. I'll live with the dandelions, I'm fine with them.

Here, Susanna's done and Teddy is helping her, he's sure she would like to throw the ball for him. He thinks everybody wants to throw the ball for him.

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