Saturday, January 29, 2011

Photoessay #1191 - More boxing?

Melina and I did it again, we did some letterboxing this afternoon. We went west into Edmonds and found the first two boxes of the Edmonds Bird series. Both involved some getting lost, looking around the neighborhoods and generally being a traffic hazard. The first one involved going down a steep wooded ravine. Both Melina and I had our doubts whether we wanted to go down there...or have to walk back up. But we braved it and found the box 15 steps after the second switchback. We had to do our work right there on the trail. With Teddy. In the rain. Melina gives a silly smile as we stand on the narrow trail halfway down a steep ravine. But we made it out and found the next one too, though again we stumbled around going down the wrong block. As we made our way down a path "Um, this looks like somebody's driveway and deck" "yeah, did you see a sign that said "Park?" "No" "Do you see a field down there? "No". "We're in the wrong place again" But we found it eventually. At least it wasn't down a steep ravine.

Melina says "Remember when you used to take me places?" She decided next time we should go to, maybe a museum. Sounds good. But when we came back, she got busy carving stamps and making up boxes. "Maybe there's a little park by my house we could hide a box there"

I must say the little Edmonds bakery had some outstanding filled chocolate cupcakes, about the best I've had.

But grandma is TIRED out!

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