Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Photoessay #1167 - Fleeting

This photo is from 1985 maybe 1986. Is Susanna over a year old here?

If you needed a reminder how fleeting life is...

Yes, it was likely me who took this shot cutting off Susanna's face. I was good like that. Better now.

Picture of my in-laws Jim and Lanaya Barnes, Gramps and Grams with their two grandchildren. They're looking good here. I so want to remember Lanaya as she was most all of her life. Her hair fixed, her makeup on. Not like her long long time in the nursing home.

Actually they are not much older that I am now. They look well and competent. And some pretty happy looking grandchildren too.

Note Susanna's hair. It didn't change until she was about 4. Never grew. Stayed that same length. People would say "It's so cute the way you cut her hair" or "Why do you cut her hair so short?" I would answer "But I've never cut her hair! It's just the way it is!" Dennis used to say that there were so many snakes and other wild animals going on her head, the priority to grow hair just wasn't there.

She eventually grew a head of really thick hair. Lots of it.

Grams and Gramps are both gone and the kids are working on becoming responsible adults.

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