Saturday, December 18, 2010

Photoessay #1149 - Brilliant Flower

Today is dark and rainy with the temperature dropping. Not so bad compared to lots of winter weather. Temp in the low 40s and dropping. I offered Teddy to throw the ball in the backyard and he declined to go find a ball. Too yucky for him.

Did I tell you that Teddy turned 2 years old. And Naomi 21? And Susanna soon 26? Time does march on.

I'm featuring this picture taken 9 days ago by Charlie at the Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden outside of Hilo. Gorgeous garden which goes down to the sea. Worth the $15. Charlie was in full time picture taking mode, taking pictures of every flower he saw. But I love this orchid shot, so full of light. Take hope!

We're going to a sibling family get-together and Dennis brother and sister in law's. Just their own siblings. Is this a theme? That's what we just did for Hawaii?

I ask Dennis, are we supposed to bring presents? pot luck item? He doesn't know. We're bringing some almonds and macadamia nuts...

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