Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photoessay #1132 - Graduate School Applications

Ilana applied to graduate school (Information/Library school) last year. Basically hell to get all that done. She intended to go to the University of Washington, her alma mater and right here in town. She was a strong applicant (academic honors, two years experience in the Business library, experience in many branch public libraries) I suggested (yes! occasionally my kids take my advice!) that she also apply to some other schools 'just in case'

As a sign of the times, she didn't get into UW (I STRONGLY suspect that preference was given to out of state students so they could pay that big fat out-of-state tuition). But she was accepted at the University of Michigan. With corresponding big fat out-of-state tuition. That's where she is. Having a great time, lots of professional opportunities, enjoys her classes, has a job in law library, good roommates. So it's all good. We're paying part of the tuition.

Now Susanna is applying to graduate schools in Occupational Therapy. She has some very strong advocates. She's applying to University of Washington and University of Puget Sound. It involves essays and other things. So painful to get done. But she's giving it a shot. GRE is her weak spot. She's got to dance around it to be successful. Dance! Dance!

I'm helping her with the essays. It takes a village, etc.

Here's a picture (used without permission) which shows what it feels like even though all of the applications are done online. When I was stealing the picture, I found this great inspirational video. Now, I do not appreciate the Muppet "Shame on you" and there's WAY too many men and warriors with spears in it. 40 inspirational speeches in 2 minutes is the catch. Fun!

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