Saturday, November 27, 2010

Photoessay #1128 - Naomi 21?

Naomi turning 21 already? Since she's the 'baby' (and also not very tall) everybody thinks she's eight years old. Nobody believes she's even graduated from high school.

Actually, her birthday is not until Dec 16. She and I went to the mall (why did I think REI was somewhere else?); she wanted a fleece for her birthday. Neither of us likes to shop. This one looked good on her; she wanted black and the hood and pockets were bonuses. Fleece in retail? Don't ask.

So, that's done. We've also done the name drawing for xmas presents. A number of years ago, we (I) decided that we would all pick names. So everybody (even me) only has to buy *1* present. My 'kids' now 21 (almost) to 28. Except we did throw Jessica (Danny's girlfriend) in at the last minute and Ilana's not here to pick so I had to cook the books a bit.

Also 2 birthdays in December Naomi (the 16th) and Susanna (the 28th). Lanaya (my mother in law) kindly invented the 'December Birthday Club' to include herself, Susanna and later Naomi. Nice act of kinship, I thought.

Hopefully, I will not fall apart physically in January (my usual pattern). My doctor and I figured out the contributing factors including the pool being closed, holiday stress plus disrupted treatment appointments over xmas. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get to the pool and her practice is being disrupted so I'm going with magical thinking that I will get through this ok.

Picture of Naomi with her new fleece. The hair color? Faded from some hair color stuff she did in the summer. Being Thanksgiving break and the day before she returns to Pullman, she up working on her paper.....

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