Sunday, November 28, 2010

Photoessay #1129 - There WAS snow

There WAS snow. But now there's not. A very very good thing. Thursday (Thanksgiving) afternoon, the temperature rose and the snow of the early morning became rain in the afternoon. Washing away almost all the snow.

Yay! This town just falls apart when it snows. The University of Washington and the rest of the schools closed Tuesday and Wednesday. Everything got canceled. Apparently the evening commute on Monday night was multi-hour for anybody who attempted it. Really so grateful that Dennis' job is so close to home (Less than 5 miles)

Now it's just the interminable Seattle gray. Cold, damp, the usual.

But Dennis worked on keeping his front yard clients happy. Large amounts of bird seed, squirrel food and peanuts were installed. As usual our front yard is a Destination for squirrels and birds. They like Dennis but they fuss and chatter at him if the attractions are empty. Get going, buddy! We're hungry!

A squirrel client at the appropriate feeder. Look at all that snow!

Naomi went back to school today. I'm hoping she's almost there by now. No awful stuff on the pass...

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