Friday, September 24, 2010

Photoessay #1064 - Famous tourist photo

Many people have this photo as part of their tourist trip scrapbooks. We took this in 2005, can you guess what it is?

Give you a hint....involves tears

Still don't know?

The Tears of the Arizona? From Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. We visited the monument constructed over the mostly submerged battleship USS Arizona which sunk during the Japanese attack on Dec 7, 1941. The ship is still in it's resting place on the bottom of the harbor, I think they never were or never chose to raise it choosing to leave it interred. But it still leaks some fuel oil. Even 60 years later. These oil emissions are known as the Tears of the Arizona.

You reach the monument by a Navy boat which runs all day in an atmosphere of reverence. We went again in 2007 to show Charlie. I thought it so peculiar that I was visiting in the company of large numbers of Japanese tourists. What must they think?

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