Monday, September 13, 2010

Photoessay #1053 - Change is Hard

We tell this to people at Parent Group. That coping with change is difficult. But you gotta do it. In my previous job, I was constantly hammered with the criticism that I was 'resistant to change'. However, the more I called for change, was an agent for change about how we were doing things, the more I was accused of resisting change. Whatever.

But as a middle aged person in pretty good shape, in a stable living situation, ok financially, I find that I too have trouble with change. I haven't worked for money for over six months. Plus I haven't worked full time at a conventional job that I had to GO TO in almost 30 years!!

So last week, I worked my first Husky game. I was very surprised about how anxious I felt the day before and that day. So so nervous. Because I didn't know what I was supposed to do. A lot of anxiety. I KNEW I would feel better afterwards because I would know what was supposed to happen. And that was true.

So I interviewed for a full time job today, a good job. But I'm amazed again at how anxious I feel about the whole darn deal. I mean, what would I do with my DOG? I know, get over it. People work full time quite often. My husband does. I've done it.

It's hard to change. And, I have to admit, when you get older, it is also even harder. But good for you, it IS good for you.

Photo undoubtedly stolen from somewhere, I took it of a blog from somebody in Malaysia.

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