Thursday, September 2, 2010

Photoessay #1042 - Melina's stamp

Isn't this the cutest stamp? My friend Lee carved it specially for Melina. She used the same tools and material that I do but I could NEVER do such a great job. Melina did the preliminary design herself and Lee adapted it. The stamp may be a bit too big to fit in some of the very small logbooks left in letterboxes.

But we'll try it and see. Lee really meant this as a practice first try. But Melina loves it. If we have to redo it because it's too big, we will.

I could tell that Melina really liked it when Lee came over to show her. That Lee, an artist for sure!

Shaping up to be a busy weekend. Saturday is Jonathan's wedding (the red-haired kid next door, one of the folks who consider themselves my fifth kid). In Port Orchard. Susanna's coming with us. Sunday is the Hartley Harstene Island picnic. We're taking Teddy, Melina, Danny and Grandma Ann. Ought to be reasonably wild in the car. Also a lot of picking up from remote locations but, oh well. Monday we're going over to the Garrisons. Their new patio celebration is Satruray which we will miss. We'll go later in the weekend to eat some of the leftovers.

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