Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Photoessay #1035 - Steampunk

Extremely hot day both in Marin and in Sacramento. Over 100 degrees likely.

We are staying tonight at the J's house. Jamie and Dee and their three sons, ages (approx) 15, 17, 22. Thank you Robin for giving up your room. We were kind of pokey leaving the B's house and Sue suggested a picnic somewhere near the water. So I made a little lunch and we ended up going to a breezy spot near the water in Tiburon, very pleasant.

But the surprise of the day goes to Dennis' friend from college days Doug H. Who is living in his parents old style home in old style Rio Linda. Two of his young adult children were staying there with him. He had been divorced. We finally connected with him right as we were nearing the perfect turnoff to go see him. So we did. Turns out that Doug and his oldest daughter were really really into this new thing called Steampunk. Steampunk. Never heard of it? Neither had we. I would put it all on a California thing though Doug says that the Seattle area is full of it.

Steampunk wonders what would happen if the technology of the Victorian era had become dominant. So it's all about embracing the Victorian time and style and bringing the Victorian technologies forward. A lot of dressup involved. And brass goggles. When we first walked into the living room of this old house, the cluttered living room looked like somebody's grandmother. Or great grandmother. Actually it was all decorated in Steampunk. Doug and his daughter are working to setup a Sacramento steampunk organization using the large abandoned chickenhouses in the back of the property as a steampunk clubhouse. Kinda nutty but Doug and his son and daughter were clearly having so much fun working together on this. The warmth came through so it's all good.

Picture of Doug and his daughter Laura in their steampunk decorated living room

1 comment:

Ilana said...

Mom, Steampunk is HUGE is Seattle. Gigantic. There is a really famous steampunk novelist around here. Also it is ridiculously nerdy so that makes it a Seattle thing. The nanowrimos are often steampunk people as well. I'm really surprised you haven't heard of it.