Monday, August 23, 2010

Photoessay #1034 - First days in California

And it's been fine....

We've been in Marin County with the greater Beittels and I've sat and chatted and chatted with Sue. And Mark and Micolle. Mark will be going back to Italy tomorrow after being here three weeks. Micolle (aged 20) will be here with her grandmother for another several weeks. Mark has found that he cannot purchase a dog door in Italy so he has purchased one here and hopes to check it on the plane tomorrow. I really like Micolle, so accomplished, funny, beautiful, and smart. Going to university in Italy with the added advantage of her California family.

The high point for today has to be our trip to Stinson Beach. Which can be foggy and cold but not today, brilliantly sunny and clear. I went swimming in the waves. Strange but true. My bathing suit in public and everything. I think I was probably Micolles's age the last time I went swimming in the California surf.

I have planned for our day at Rio Del Mar to be the Claire Ginsburgh Memorial day at the beach. But today presents itself as an extremely strong candidate. Sunny and warm, I went waiting into the surf with Mark and Micolle. Really all the way getting wet. I thought the water felt fine. Especially compared to waters of the Pacific Northwest. I stopped short of actually diving into the surf (how could I explain that bit of insanity to Dr. Alex?) but I certainly got in to my shoulders.

Haven't done that for FOREVER. And so much fun.

And the rest on Marin shines with it's usual beauty. We placed a letterbox at the Civic Center and drove down San Pedro Road to China Camp State Park on San Pablo Bay. Don't think I've ever been out there. Beautiful quiet picnic ground right on the water.

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