Saturday, August 21, 2010

Photoessay #1033 - California, here we come

Dennis and I will be visiting various California sites during the next week. Fear not, readers, I will update (maybe not with pictures) as internet access provides. At least one place won't have it. Truly a vacation/visiting trip this time. Just because we want to. When was the last time THAT happened.

Destinations include:
Terra Linda (Marin County) to visit Sue, Mark, Micole
Sacramento to visit Jamie and his family
Kit Carson (Silver Lake) in the Sierras because we remember this beautiful lake and wanted to visit there
Santa Cruz (Aptos) to visit JJ and Steve, go to Rio Del Mar Beach and Dennis' Aunt Mary, stay in moderately fancy B&B

Not a bad trip, I'll sign up!

Joy from Parent Group is housesitting and taking care of Teddy, George and Starbaby. She came here earlier today to figure things out.

Earlier today, I got through the important stuff. Naomi gave me two pairs of bootoes. I've wrapped one for Audrey W-H who is expecting (prayers and good wishes for any new baby to be!). Using the stamps that Melina and I carved, I made up three new letterboxes to place in California. I have one at UCSC for sure; others I'm open. Of course, I used my camo duct tape. I'm all out of boxes, I ordered 20 more directly from snapware.

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