Friday, August 20, 2010

Photoessay #1032 - Naomi back to Pullman

Naomi left this morning driving Jefferson (the car, inherited from Ilana) from Seattle to Pullman (Washington State University) 300 dramatic miles to the very eastern part of the state. First you go over the Cascades (very beautiful, down the east side which is drier but still pretty. Through a desserty area to the mighty Columbia river. Then head south onto 120 miles of Hwy 26. Some farms and very small towns on this stretch. Straight road into the horizon. Hardly any services this whole way. Then into the Palouse with the rolling wheat fields.

Naomi had never driven it by herself but she got there fine, already heard from her. Though she was quite vague on the actual location of her new apartment. But I'm sure she's figure it out by now.

Pictures show Dennis giving her some navigation advice (you don't want to get lost as this landscape is pretty remote and vacant) and the girl ready to go in the heavily loaded car.

Ilana doing very well in Ann Arbor with strong interest from the Business AND Law Library.

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