Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Photoessay #1041 - Civic Center

Frank Lloyd Wright designed the Marin County Civic Center, completed in the early sixties. When I was growing up, my family considered it one of the wonders of the world and we almost always went by when we visited the Beittels in Terra Linda.

I went by myself this time with the idea of planting a letterbox. Still as impressive as ever. Clearly the grounds are no longer watered so likely past green lawns are baked hard earth with scrabbly weeds. I still admire those geometric rows of salmon pink scallops.

A shot taken from the interior still so visually beautiful.

And a treasure revealed this trip. The library is on the top floor; this is the California Room, chock full of California and Marin Country books, maps, and other resources. I loved it! Could have stayed there all darn day.

I did plant a box. On a 'scenic overlook' concrete trail that went up the building right by one of the legs. Sue wondered what that could be. We went by there on our way back from Tiburon. "Oh!" she exclaimed "that used to be a way you could get to the library without going inside the building. I used to take the kids to the library this way" After the murders (courtroom?) in the seventies, they beefed up security and closed this way as an entrance.

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