Monday, August 30, 2010

Photoessay #1040 - High Sierra Hike

We only stayed one night at Kit Carson Lodge. In the morning, we thought we would try their Easy Hike. Um, maybe for some people. Supposed to be a one mile hike to Granite Lake. It took us awhile driving the rental car on tiny lakeside roads to find the spot. We hiked for nearly 1 hour over beautiful terrain high in the Sierras, lots of granite, alpine vistas. Over large expanses of rock, across a bridge. Finally we get to a sign that says "Granite Lake .5 mile" Now I'm slow but I'm not THAT slow. Since we had to get back we turned back. I found a hiking stick which made me a lot more balanced and steady.

Took these shots while on the hike. Beautiful country, nothing quite like it. Would have been great to actually see Granite Lake but pretty good for me.

Nice wildflowers too.

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