Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Photoessay #1030 - Grandma and Melina's Excellent Adventure

Melina and I went letterboxing today. We thought we'd try Moulton Park in Kirkland. Supposedly three boxes there.

With limited success (actually we found 0 boxes). But we did have an adventure. We followed some directions from the meadow at the park entrance and soon were in the deep dark woods. The directions took us down to a creek (Juanita Creek, I think) and across a log bridge.

But where we got there, this was the log bridge. A log. No well maintained parks structure here. How to get across?? Especially with grandma;s compromised range of motion and balance.

Melina managed to scoot across the log with her letterbox bag supplies watching the snags. After much excitement, planning and amazement. Teddy had no problem going back and forth, through the water, over the log, whatever. Notice the dragging leash.

I couldn't get across the log, there was a place to step across and I couldn't do that. I looked a bit up and down stream. Nope. Finally, I just took off my sandals and socks, rolled up my jeans and waded across. With the cheering support of Melina and Teddy.

We did it!

But we couldn't find the letterbox but we did manage to get back across the creek to civilization.

A bit later, we did find a box at Bothell Landing on the Samamish Slough.

I know whenever we go that way, we will say "remember that time when we had to cross that CREEK?"

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