Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Photoessay #1029 - Regina wedding picture

My grandmother Regina Zunder Weil on her wedding day when she married my grandfather Irwin Samuel Baumann in New Haven Connecticut. I'm guessing around 1914, I might be able to find the exact date if I rummaged around in my files upstairs. Likely taken in the family home, my cousin might have the rocker. My grandfather was 5 years older and I heard that he 'robbed the cradle'. I thought she was about 18. All decked out with the beautiful wedding dress, especially the bodice. My mother kept some piece of the lace, she used it on her own wedding dress and also my sister's and mine. My sister found the lace when going through my mother's drawers; she has it. Maybe we will use it on our daughter's wedding dresses.

The families of this bride and groom were quite well to do. I saw a scrapbook in 1974 at the Jewish Historical Society of New Haven which described this couple as the 'creme de la creme' of the Jewish community; the event made quite a splash. The man showing me the photo albums stayed right beside me in case I tried to make off with anything. The newlyweds enjoyed quite an affluent lifestyle.

Until the depression hit and the family business went bankrupt, they (and other family members) lost their homes. They never recovered financially from this period but we able to get along modestly (with some help from their children).

I have no wedding pictures of my other grandparents. Nor do I know where they are buried. I need to talk with my aunt about this.

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