Friday, August 13, 2010

Photoessay #1025 - Husky training

Yesterday, I attended the University of Washington gameday training at the Don James Center at Husky stadium. Lots of people there who have done this for many years (one man 46 years!). They asked for a show of hands for newbies, I didn't see that many people raising their hands. Big on Customer Service. Big on 'getting to the next level. Tell everybody 'Welcome to the University of Washington' and 'Thanks for coming'. Clean clothes, brush your teeth, wear deodorant, no cell phone use, NO TEXTING. Come 3.5 hours early, everybody will participate in the walk thru meeting at the west end of the stadium.

The Sound Transit station constructed right in the front of the stadium makes a real big mess. Plus takes away of six acres of parking. Aack! They still haven't figured out where we will park. I'll check again but it seems that the buses that serve the UW do not go by the stadium ....

Scored a bright yellow "Customer Services Team' shirt. Still don't know exactly which games I will be working or what the heck a perimeter guard does but I'm sure it's lowly. They assure me that they'll tell me when I show up. As the meeting broke up, the existing empires continued to meet (ticket people, shuttle people, medical people, who knows what else).

Pictures show the room with the stools on the right for people watching the field. Also the view from the stools watching the UW football team practice for real. And also, head football coach Sarkisian addresses the game day staff.

Posting early as I'm just about to pick up Melina. On tap, replacing the box at Farrell MeWhirter with the box I've been carrying around for the Filbert farm, swimming at Mountlake Terrace Pool, throwing ball for Teddy, then over the Shoreline A/B to give out packets for soccer tournament

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