Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photoessay #1023 - Dramatic

Found this picture in one of those boxes of tons of unsorted snapshots. As if I didn't have a massive number of photographs. I have inherited Dennis' parent's albums AND my parent's collection. Plus my own from when my kids were little. Put them in a bookcase (too many!) and it's definitely impressive. Plus I have a china cabinet upstairs which is also full of photos. I'm very aware that many of the online photos have not been printed. Or they have been printed and I let my mother take what she wanted. Which I probably got back. Some have been put into albums.

Given my difficulty with making order of items, I doubt that it will ever get straightened out. Begs the question, does it really matter? And to who? One of my dog park buddies about my age mentioned all of their online photos; I mused that many of these electronic photos not printed would be lost. She shrugged. 'My husband and I have no children, my brother has no children, they will be much easier to get rid of when the time comes.'

Hmmm, never quite thought of it that way. But what really should I save? I've already tossed some of the albums of my parent's trips. Just took out the shots of the parents themselves.

In my parent's house, I found two rolls of undeveloped film. Couldn't resist getting them developed. Which only reminded me how much money we used to spend on getting film developed. The pictures? One interesting one clearly from their last ill-fated cruise to South America (my father ended up in a hospital in Chile). These must have been from my mother's camera...there were pictures of my brother's cats. My brother didn't start bringing over his cats until after my father's death. He would never have tolerated them. I'm sure those cats would NOT have BEHAVED or followed my father's commands.

This shot tries to manufacture drama through the the sunrise. Or is it the sunset? I'm going for dawn. I admit to be confounded on my directions. Not our front yard, think it's my next door neighbors.

But all will be revealed as the plot unfolds.

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