Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Photoessay #1022 - 1957 bride

Sonia G came to my parent's internment ceremony last week. She sent me a special picture. She also told me that her mother helped my parents get the burial site at a time when they weren't selling outside of the congregation. I remember very well how happy my mom was when they got the plots.

The picture shows Sonia as a bride in 1957, in a doorway just about to walk down the aisle(?). And guess who is holding up her train on her wedding dress? My grandmother Regina! Nanny to me. Must be in her mid sixties in this photo. Love the veil and the sweetheart neckline on the dress. Plenty of ribbons on the bouquet and lots of white material used in the dress. These days every single gosh darn wedding dress is strapless. Why?

We talked about this picture on that hot summer morning in the Mishkan Israel cemetery. So sweet of her to send it!

Some highlights for today:
1. Today is Ilana's birthday! 24 years old! She found that lots and lots of businesses in Ann Arbor give out free stuff on your birthday. Plus her landlord came over and invited her to his groovy Friday morning neighborhood local foods breakfast.
2. Today also was my last Guided Autobiography class. What a wonderful group! We've already established a next meeting for ourselves. We'll write a piece, theme for first group will be 'Open Mike' but as we walked out, at least four of the five decided that the subject will be 'Food'. Some unlikely people becoming friends in this group and some people definitely needed kleenex boxes when reading their pieces. Also there was this wonderful part at the end where we all wrote out wishes for each member on an index card and exchange them. We all read out the wishes. More tears!
3. Yesterday I heard that I was accepted into the Memoir certificate program at the UW. yay!

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