Sunday, August 8, 2010

Photoessay #1020 - Mexican Dinner

On one of the last parent group auctions, we, along with two other couples purchased a mexican dinner offered by two long time members of the group. Actually it was a ad hoc bidding consortium put together on the spot. Various life events intervened but we finally had it last night. And, like the last one I attended, a meal to remember.

Juan in a million

Pictured are the salad and the main course. I enjoyed every single bit of the over-the-top food. Notice the change in tablecloth and dishes. That peanut mole sauce on the chicken was particularly tasty and exceptional. John gave us the recipe; massively daunting.

A group picture at the end (Mark, Teru, Juan (our host), Curtis, Teresa, Dennis, myself). Mark and Teru stayed over because of their now distant home. I ended up going over this morning as I had left my purse there (merely an excuse) and had a quiche made from the leftover crab/jicama dip.

The menu:

Para Empezar:
Starter Dips:
Guacamole de Ajo Asado:
Roasted Garlic Guacamole
Salpicón de Jaiba y Jícama
Crab-Jícama Salpicón
Salsa Mejicana: “Pico de Gallo”: Traditional Salsa with Tomato and Serrano Chile
Queso Fresco: White Mexican Farmer’s Cheese
Salsa Verde con Naranja: Green Salsa with Tomatillo and Orange

Queso Frito con Salsa de Jitomate, Rajas y Epazote
Seared Cheese with Roasted Tomatoes, Roasted Poblano Chiles and Epazote

Para El Paladar:
Helado de Sangría
For The Palate:
Sangría Ice

Ensalada de Camarón Estilo Suroeste
Southwestern-Style Shrimp Salad

Plato Principal:
Pollo en Mole de Cacahuate con Arroz Blanco y Calabacitas con Elote
Chicken Marinated with Peanut Mole Sauce accompanied by Herbed White Rice and Zucchini with Corn

Capirotada - a bread pudding like Nana Orozco used to make with a magnificent syrup of piloncillo and canela (Mexican brown sugar and Mexican cinnamon), served fresh from the oven with Juan's caramel/Grand Marnier sauce* and topped with vanilla bean ice cream

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