Saturday, August 7, 2010

Photoessay #1019 - Camp River Ranch

Tremendously busy day. Dennis helped Danny move to his new apartment starting with putting the big china closet into the van. I went to a busy team meeting. Then we quick went to pick up Melina, met Naomi at Remlinger Farms and had a quick personal tour of the camp including the baby bunny named Bunny. Then brought Melina home and immediately went over John and Mary Ann's for a delicious Mexican dinner which we purchased a year or two ago at the Changes auction. Lively conversation with the Fukushimas and Lundstens who were part of our ad hoc bidding group.

Melina seemed to really like the camp, who wouldn't as Naomi as tour guide. I had hoped that I could work it so she could go to Day Camp. Picture from the lodge; Naomi and Melina look down on Lake Langlois.

Teddy didn't have such a great day as we didn't take him on any of these things. Still waiting for Danny to bring back the van at 11:30 pm....

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