Thursday, July 22, 2010

Photoessay #1103 - Letterbox maintenance

Now there might be people who tire of me posting pictures of me and my granddaughter Melina letterboxing. Too bad!

Melina and I spent the day making three letterboxes including carving stamps. For existing boxes that have (whoosh) disappeared. That's the problem with a number of boxes, you are always having to replace them when they go missing.

We replaced two of them with stops at the dog park, Melina found a few of my boxes and we tried a new box at Animal Acres (couldn't find it). Came home, practiced our piano duet (Heart and Soul) and she threw the ball for Teddy to fetch many times in the backyard. She had such a great time, I don't think she wanted to go home.

Next up is Saturday. Danny is paying Ilana to look after his yorkie-poo puppy while he goes to a wedding in Bremerton with an overnight stay. Melina is first assistant puppy sitter. Plus we'll work on the boxes some more.

Here's Melina replacing my Grace Cole Nature Preserve box. Deep in the woods in an area that really makes you think you are in the wilderness. She's climbed up the embankment and camouflaging the box in the middle of the 11-trunked tree.

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