Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Photoessay #1102 - Connecticut's bounty

Pictures taken last weekend in my cousin's manicured backyard in Cheshire CT. Her husband Denny loves to garden and his yard's greenery pleases the eye. Green everywhere in July New England. My sister Pam chats with Denny learning about his garden. I enjoyed it too!. He grows beautiful vegetables and flowers back in his backyard kingdom. Of course loves to talk about it. I love visiting people's gardens and hearing about them even though I 'm not really able to do it myself.

You can see the creek at the back of the property and the woods beyond. Deciduous New England woods so different from the evergreen damp dark northwest forest. You can see the two blackberry bushes behind standing on their own behind the vegetable garden.

The flower and the butterfly? My money shot taken at the same time in a flower garden in front of the vegetable garden. The butterfly appeared and I acted QUICKLY. Also a closeup of the blueberry bush.

Truly New England bounty tended by a dedicated joyful farmer.

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