Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photoessay #1101 - Some new relatives

Many members of my mother's family are buried in Mishkan Israel Cemetery. Always interesting to visit, especially now. The heat of the day of the memorial prevented us from the full tour but we did hit the high points.

I used to know the genealogy down pat but not so much any more. But I did learn something new. My great grandmother Delia Zunder Weil, the subject of the Delia wall built by my mother, had two sisters who died as children that I didn't know about. Caroline and Rosa. Those girls died six months apart. I wonder what happened. Some epidemic? Delia's dates 1866-1910 so she was conceived after Rosa's death.

I never knew about the sisters, always thought Delia was an only child. Must have been very sad days for Maier and Regina.

My cousin also told a story which sounded faintly familiar to me. That Delia had died of a broken heart (in her 40s) because she was in love with a gentile man and was not allowed to marry him. I don't know who....Her own daughter, Regina my grandmother, born in 1896 was only 14 when she lost her mother.

Shots are the side of the Zunder monument and the marker for Delia's grave near the Weil monument.

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