Friday, July 23, 2010

Photoessay #1104 - Perimeter Guard

I may be completely out of my mind but I have been hired as University of Washington Intercollegiate Staff event staff. More specifically as a 'Perimeter Guard' at the home football games and for commencement. I thought it might be fun to be involved with intercollegiate athletics. However, I may have signed myself up to stand in or near a parking lot for 8 hours or so. But I think I might get a cool uniform.

200 people work as event staff at the home football game. An experience, to be sure. If I have the stamina. I had a very short interview. I think they offer you the job unless you look like a complete psycho hose beast. I did chat with the gentleman before me. He also ushers at Safeco and Quest fields. Said they were having a hiring open house tomorrow morning if I wanted to do that. Like this, he says you know if you have been hired before you leave. He says that the ushering people are like the circus or the carneys, they all know each other and hang out. I'm thinking this might be a little much. He had a lot of experience in contrast to me with zero.

Aerial shot lifted without permission from the Pac10. Notice the softball field in the lower right corner. I'm not kidding when I say that the softball field is RIGHT NEXT to the football stadium


Emily said...


azure said...

Not sure myself. My main concern is if I have the physical stamina. But I always thought it might be fun....