Monday, May 10, 2010

Photoessay #1037 - Moving Van

Yesterday morning, the moving van holding my family's share of my parent's possessions arrived in our cul-de-sac. Early Mother's Day morning. The timing was just fine actually and weather perfect.

Bittersweet as nobody likes to be in this position, taking your parent's items. Much of the tough work had already been done, much of that the weekend after the memorial when my family, brother, sister and cousin attacked their 'cottage' doing triage. My parents had a lot of heirlooms, antique furniture, china, silver, crystal. My mom always displayed it proudly, very important to her. Visiting some neighbors in other cottages emphasized how everybody didn't do this. We plowed through all the drawers and closets (that place had a ton of closets) making sure that every grandchild got some silver and china. And making multiple trips to the goodwill. My sibs returned several times to sort further arranged for various moves. Mine was the biggest, my group of four adult children plus husband skews the demographics. Plus I'm the farthest away. My brother realized that just because he only lived two hours away didn't make the job much easier especially moving fine furniture. But he moved some of his himself and my sister moved all of her items with the help of her friend Gib.

But we could only take a small amount on the plane. Danny took his silver but the other kids had boxes with their names on it.

So it all arrived yesterday. We had moved most things and cleared out a lot of our garage and Susanna's old room in preparation.

I've cleaned out several boxes, I've found the Limoges duck dishes but not the golden plates. I had intended to put them in the corner cupboard but found that the area between the shelves were not tall enough, the big platter wouldn't fit. So I cleaned out the top of my other china cabinet and put them there.

Still a lot of stuff to look at. I got ALL of the photograph albums. Plus all the empty picture frames.

Of course, I ALREADY had a house full of things. Items, as they say. So, it's hard to fit in a whole other set. Plus we had many of the good pieces from Dennis' parents. Most of the furniture destined for us found homes yesterday but we do have too much furniture in general.

We will install a version of the Delia wall.

Shot shows the scale of the huge van. That's a 7 foot tall large china cabinet being unloaded. Part of the custom interior decorating job my mom had done in 1964. I always liked that furniture but just don't have room for any of it. I already have 3 china cabinets. Danny said he would like it. Ilana's got the Napoleon lamp that I have been fond of. I think that's one of the most important things she wants to take to Michigan.

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