Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Photoessay #1038 - Bootie pattern

My mom and grandmother made these baby booties. In fact, my mom has made this whole set many times. I had them for my babies.

My mom and grandmother felt that there every baby born that they heard of should receive a pair of booties. So I have always had a supply (I'm sorry Margaret that I didn't give any to Jaden!)

My mom passed away Feb 21. When my mother decided to stop her medications and pacemaker, she had a whole deathbed speech ready. She wanted us to support her in her decision. She also wanted us to get Naomi (my youngest) the bootie pattern so she could make the booties.

I know that subsequently I found that my mother's friend of long standing Gayle also makes these booties. I talked to her after my mom's death and she sent Naomi a sample bootie. (I need to thank her for this, is this entry full of guilt or what?).

So Naomi went to our local yarn shop to get some help. It hasn't happened yet.

Naomi's the one though, I don't do any handwork, I have lousy fine motor coordination.

But here's the pattern and the illustration from the original book "Bear Brand Baby Book" with a copyright MCMI. Yikes, when did they use roman numerals for copyright dates? Could this me 1901? It's an antique!

I encourage any of my readers to make these booties. They're the best! They don't fall off! If you can figure out the instructions.

I hope Naomi can and make many booties!

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