Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Photoessay #711 - Cousins

Picture circa 1940 of my mother and her sister Ruth with their cousin Bobby in between them. Picture likely taken in New Haven, CN. My mother, about 16 years old. She always was proud of her widow's peak. I look a lot like her but did not inherit that. People have always told me "You look JUST like your mom". Sometimes, in Rockford, people will see me without my mom and say "You don't have to tell me who you are, I know already"

I called my mother and she confirmed about Bobby "He was a year or two younger than me but I played with him a lot when I was young" Have you heard from him recently? Could be a delicate question as my mom is turning 85 this weekend. She told me that his daughter lives in Rockford. She's contacted them, they came over once but that was as far as it ever went. What did he do for a living? "I think he was a salesman" How did he fit in. He was the son of Uncle Bob, Poppy's brother.

Didn't I just write something about parents not naming children after living people. I dunno. My mother could not remember what Uncle Bob did for a living. "He was in the Navy and when he came home the rubber company was already gone".

This picture reminds me of other pictures taken around the same time. Of other Jewish young people. In Europe. Who perished in the holocaust.

My aunt Ruth passed away in the early 1970s in her 50s. I will be seeing her daughter Mary Ann when we go to Lafayette to my niece's bat mitzvah next month. My mother and Mary Ann have always been close. She's promised to help take care of mom.

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