Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Photoessay #658 - Decemberists NOT

After Ilana attended the Decemberists concert over Thanksgiving, I started to listen to them from files Ilana gave me, from YOUTUBE, from Facebook. And I started to admire them quite a bit including the great song-writing of Colin Meloy.

At the November concert, they ended with their anthem "Sons and Daughters". At the end of the song, they invite some of the audience on stage to sing the very last part with them which is "Hear the bombs fade away" over and over with audience involvement. I'll find the youtube that shows Ilana and Janine up on stage. I think I've posted it before.

The Decemberists just released a new album "Hazards of Love"; I like it a lot. A folk opera of 17 tracks telling a story. Their concert show now presents all of those songs in order without break. I heard it on NPR; very impressive.

Ilana calls me, the Decemberists have added a show in July at Marymoor Park. Let's go! I say that I will buy my ticket and hers for her August birthday. Fun! So, gleefully I go on the Decemberists site and buy two ticket. Horrible extra fees added in. Two tickets $88. Done!

Do I bother to look at the calendar? No, why should I, it's in JULY. I wake up this morning and think "uh oh, when is niece's bat mitzvah that I MUST attend in Indiana???" Have that sinking feeling. Sure enough, that weekend. I've just bought two expensive tickets and I've got to go to Indiana instead. What was I thinking?

Though, when all the beating up is done, Janine says she'll buy my ticket and Ilana's ticket can be a birthday gift. But I wanted to go!

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