Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photoessay #657 - Laura gets a kiss

Laura made a special trip over here to check out Teddy. She remembers him as one of those little puppies in Diana's garage in Roy. Now, he's a big strapping 42 pounds (hey that was last Thursday, this is Tuesday, he's more than that now. He bit more than he should and he got corrections from myself and Laura but he was his basic welcoming bumbling self. Laura had a great time playing one of Teddy's favorite games "Keep Away/Fetch" He fetches things but then wants to play Keep Away, grabbing it away from your grasp. And he's FAST! Who taught him that anyway?

He likes to spend in the backyard; works on his many projects mainly involving dragging really big sticks around and chewing on them. Some holes, he also has designs on our big heavy mat right by the door. Important work; somebody's got to do it. So I would like to leave him outside in the yard, rather than in his crate. I think he would be happier out there.

Picture shows him giving Laura a kiss under the chin.

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