Friday, March 13, 2009

Photoessay #468 - Medieval Banquet

It's not really medieval though it is a banquet. Every year, the Highland Dancers and the Bagpipers have a big performance. Alternating years they have a concert or a banquet. Lots of bagpipes and lots of dancing.

Naomi has been engrossed in this event for weeks. As senior captain, she's responsible for a bunch, mainly the schedule of the dances, dancers and costume changes. What a puzzle. The seniors are also expected to come up with a choreographed Naomi sold tickets to our next door neighbors; they came and had a great time. Strong turnout, plenty of loud enthusiastic applause. Susanna and Alice came, also Ilana.

Hey, it IS a concert for the pipe band so, if you've got a limited appetite for high school bagpiping, you might not like this.

One of the highland dances, I'll ask Naomi which one.

And a shot from the Senior Choreography dance which is supposed to be pretty silly. Curtis has quite a leap! Naomi on the left.

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