Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Photoessay #539 - Favorite

Me and my paternal grandfather Harold (Grandpa) probably in 1953. Let it be known that my grandfather did NOT do children. I believe that when my father and aunt were children, their father was at home or busy in the study or listening to music. Likely not to be disturbed. But he's clearly delighted with his first grandchild. My grandfather did not suffer fools and was used to things being done the way that he felt they should be done. In this picture, he's younger than I am now. My grandfather always wore a formal shirt and tie. Later in his life living in more casual southern California, he would wear a string tie. At this time, he was still working as an insurance executive in Boston. Likely he was visiting my parents in Glendora, California on a business trip.

I was always my grandfather's favorite. I could do no wrong in his eyes. He always had a soft spot in his heart and a bright smile at my very existence. My grandfather Harold, loved me unconditionally. As mentioned, he was not a warm person. I've felt that love all through my life. He would tell me things and allow me more attention than anybody else. I think it kind of drove my parents, my father especially a little nuts. After his death, I was wondering about this. I asked my siblings if they felt they were the favorite. "Are you kidding?" they both said, "you were always the one"

One fond memory I have is writing that family history about the time I graduated from college. I was interviewing him about his family.

"Grandpa, did your mother have any sisters or brothers"
"Sandy! Sandy!" he would say sternly wagging his finger at me "I've told you and told you, I do NOT remember and I don't know why you keep asking me!" Then a pause, "she had two sisters"

Anybody else would have given up because he could be stern indeed. I didn't pay him no never mind. I continued

"Grandpa, what were your aunts' names"
"Sandy! Sandy! his tone was even more impatient, "I've told you and told you!" etc, then he would tell me.

I kept going and going. I knew he would tell me. I knew it was ok.

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