Thursday, January 29, 2009

Photoessay #533 - Parent Group

I've been involved with CPSN for nine years. Changes Parent Support Network. For parents of acting out teens and young adults. Often the young people in these families are using drugs and alcohol, experiencing school failure, involved with the justice system, have mental health issues, may be violent or verbally abusive to their families. Fun stuff.

The kinds of parenting strategies we suggest are often at odds with conventional 'PTA style' parenting. Sometimes you end up doing the exact opposite of what you think you should be doing. And often, this approach calls for doing nothing at all (ie the young person experiences the consequences of their actions). Not trying to control what you cannot control.

We have 5 groups, the Seattle group is the flagship group, the biggest and most active. Curtis F and myself are currently the 'reps' so we run the group. We had been renting a meeting room from one church from a long long time. A dispute over storage space led us to find a new space. I think our new space is working out very well.

It's an open group with a structured meeting. You never know how many people will come but lately, we have had strong attendance. Last night, I counted 47, Curtis insists it was 40. Pretty good for a weekly group. I have been large group leader for the month of January, that means I run the meeting according to a very structured timetable.

As we say, we're glad you're here but we're sorry you had to come.

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