Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Photoessay #532 - Puppy what else?

This photo clearly identifies why this pup has been named Teddy (by my kids as usual). Doesn't he look like a plush teddy bear in this photo. Wonder who took this with my camera, it's a sweet picture. Though kind of an extreme closeup for all you non-puppy people out there.

Dark brindle, we could have named him zebra too; kind of like a tabby cat. Teddy continues to be a sweet compliant puppy. I've had no problem having him in the room with me when I work. Even making phone calls. I am really hoping he will keep his calm sweet personality. He really wants to follow people around; to be with you. He likes to watch. He watches the cats, he watches the squirrels in the backyard.

He had a huge achievement today. He could go up the stairs but not down them. So I've been lugging this 14 pound 8 week old puppy down the stairs. Which could explain the pain in my left hip. He wanted to go down the stairs but just couldn't. Today, he screwed up his courage and, it was tough, but he did it. A little bit of free form puppy tumbling. But now he's a pro.

Last night Susanna and Alice came over to play with him. He had just been to the vet. Pretty traumatic, car ride, shots. Exhausted puppy. This puppy was off. So they had a good time holding him like a baby on his back as he snoozed on. Later they got him running up and down the hall.

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