Friday, October 31, 2008

Photoessay #498 - NaNoWriMo

I guess we are on an Ilana theme here. Yesterday, we featured Quidditch. Today NanoWriMo.

Which starts at midnight tonight. This involves her borrowing OUR van to take a group of UW students to a coffee shop in Bellevue so they can participating in the opening of NaNoWriMo promptly at midnight.

Not witchcraft but National Novel Writing Month. Maybe it's the same thing, come to think of it. During the month of November, you write an entire novel. It must be 50,000 words long. If you've got 50,000 words you can declare it completed. This is the third year she's participated, not sure.

During the month, people get together with their laptops, compare word counts and moan about they're so blocked.

I think the first year she wrote a romance...last year it was a thriller a la Indiana Jones. She mused that she would have liked to do more character development but every 10 pages or so, something had to blow up to advance the plot.

This year, a mystery set in 1970s LA. Hey, I bodily participated in 1970s LA, I was THERE. She did check out a book of LA Times front pages, great source of material. Other than that, I dunno, but if you want to know more, I am SURE she will tell you.

My elderly dog is not feeling well, I hope she starts feeling better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is my fourth Nanowrimo, actually. The first novel I wrote was an apocalyptic thriller.