Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Photoessay #462 - Nurse Janet's Pies

All hail Nurse Janet's pies! Janet is the mom of Ilana's friend Nicole. I've had some great meals at the B's house. So, at the Farmer's Market, when I saw that the Shorecrest PTSA had a table selling Nurse Janet's pies for $20 as a fundraiser, I bought one. Even though we weren't sure if it was peach or apple, I bought it anyway (it was apple). Delicious.

See how you can support the community by contributing your talents? Nurse Janet has many many talents besides being an excellent cook. A willing volunteer and an accomplished artist. I am especially appreciative of her efforts a few years ago, when she scouted out in advance an appropriate accessible place for Gramps Jim to sit when we attended the high school graduation of Ilana and Nicole. Not that easy to find a chair with no stairs in the Everett Convention Center. Very very thoughtful of her. And I know that she's done many other favors for me that I cannot recall but have not forgotten.

Thanks Nurse Janet for all you do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nurse Janet is hip, organized and pie-making. I would want her in my organization.