Monday, September 22, 2008

Photoessay #461 - Conflicting models

Some things we have in our heads from our past, we just accept as gospel because we have not entertained other options (Emily, I suspect this would translate directly into Landmark)

Recently I have had the experience of realizing that other functional realities do exist. Stay with me here.

We recently had new windows installed. Including two sliding glass doors. With (this is the pertinent fact) functional (also pertinent) screen doors. Fortunately, in Seattle you really don't need screens or screen doors because we enjoy an environment with few flying bugs. So you can keep it open and you won't have zillion black bugs or mosquitoes or flies, etc. in your house.

But screen doors, we like them. Our family includes an old nearly blind dog and several (not your brightest) cats. They can't get it and they still run into the screen door.

So Dennis asks, "Why do you have the screen door closed when you are not using it? Just so the dog can bash into it when you open the main door? Just so the cats scratch on it and do damage?"

And I thought "why, of course, I have the screen door closed". Because I thought that's the proper way. First you close the screen door, then the regular door, then it's all closed. Dennis says "Only close the screen door when you need it, otherwise keep it out of the way".

I started to dispute this but then these alternate models started clanging in my head. "Wait a minute, why SHOULD the screen door always be closed? Couldn't it just as easily be the other way? Is it because that's how my family ALWAYS did it. That somehow I have construed it as the only way? There's really no reason for the screen door to be closed when the main door is closed. The dog DOES walk right into it."

So dear readers, what is your position?

First picture is the slider open and the screen door closed, enjoying the mild autumn afternoon. Please ignore weeds in front of the deck, they provide texture.

Second picture is my formerly proper way to close the doors.

Third picture is the new paradigm. Keep the screen door out of the way if you are not using it.

Revolutions. Happen.

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